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Owner, Kimberly Jones, CPA


Contracted by the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Enterprising Women of Color (EWOC) Business Center as a financial counselor

Kim Jones brings over 25 years of experience in federal and state tax planning and preparation services to her clients. She’s the owner of Kimberly Jones, CPA, and joins the MBDA Enterprising Women of Color Business Center as a financial counselor.

Kim’s parents met in Okinawa while they both served in the U.S. Army. Born at a U.S. Naval base in Taiwan, Kim spent her early childhood abroad before her family moved to Hawaii, where her mom was born and raised, when she was five. Growing up on Maui, she later attended the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where she took her first accounting course and found that she enjoyed the subject. “I remember talking to my mom after and telling her, ‘I really like this accounting stuff,’ and she said, ‘Honey, nobody likes accounting,’ Kim recalled. “I realized that if I was one of the apparently few who enjoyed it, it would be a good career path, and it really has been.”

During her career, Kim served as a tax manager at Coopers & Lybrand, which later became PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)—one of the Big Four accounting firms. PwC eventually sold its Hawaii practice to the local office’s partners, and it became well-known local firm, Accuity LLP, where Kim went on to become a tax principal and tax practice leader. “I’ve enjoyed building long-term relationships,” Kim said. “I have some client relationships that go back over 20 years. Having that historical knowledge and working with individuals on their personal income and estate taxes as well as their businesses lets me see the whole picture—that’s helpful to them in making decisions holistically.”

In January 2021 after a series of life events, Kim decided to form Kimberly Jones, CPA. “Part of it was Covid-19 and working from home for a year, seeing the technology and how doable it is and how much can be done,” she explained, noting that she was also moved by her mother’s passing in 2020 to take stock of her life.

Looking back on her career, Kim is fortunate to have been surrounded by mentors who wanted to see her succeed and gave her their time and energy. She reflects fondly on her journey that began as a shy, brand-new tax associate—far from becoming a business owner or partner— to being able to go into board rooms and provide guidance and value to high-powered directors and CEOs.

Kim was introduced to the MBDA Enterprising Women of Color Business Center through her friend and fellow financial counselor Cammie Chun. “We just started talking, and Cammie was so enthusiastic about it [the Center],” Kim explained. “She asked if I’d be interested (in joining the team), and I thought it would be a great way to pay it forward and give something back to people who are just starting out.”

Kim knows how much her background in taxes and accounting helped her when she started her business, and now she enjoys sharing her knowledge and teaching others by communicating business legalese so that it’s digestible to those who may not have a business background.

To her fellow woman entrepreneurs and small business owners, Kim offers the following advice: “Go for it. Follow your dreams. Believe in yourself. Find good mentors and resources. Make connections. When you think of accountants or taxes, you don’t think it’s about people, but almost any successful career is about connections and people. Always keep learning because you’ll never know everything. It’s about finding something you love and continuing to expand your expertise and knowledge.”

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